Services Available
Here at Past to Present Antiques, We like to buy. Complete Buy Outs, Partial Clean Outs, Estates, Individual Items, Attics and Basements, you never know what we'll like or what we're looking for. Don't hesitate to call or text.
Furniture, Chairs, Tables, Dressers, Decorative Items, Tools, Oddities, Curiosities, Garden Items, Art, Mid-Century, Industrial, Vintage, Primitive, Lamps, Hardware, Case Good, Junk, Old Tools, Signs, Glassware, China, Architectural Salvage, Vintage Toys, Deco, Art Glass, Stemware, Nautical, Taxidermy, Desks, Stools, Posters, Postcards, Brass, Silver, Household, Patio Furniture, Frames, Sleds, Jewelry, Boats, Rope, Maritine, Holiday, Oars and much more.
We also conduct Estate Sales and Online Auctions. As part of our service we appraise contents of the house, price and stage home. We provide staff for the sale and provide full clean out after the sale.